The Wormdogs are a six piece bluegrass rock n roll group from Burlington, VT

The Wormdogs are a five piece band from Burlington, VT

Conceived in 2017 out of a mutual respect, friendship, and love of one another's musicianship. A roots band at the core, their sound ranges from bluegrass rock n roll to country & freak folk. Their instrumentation consists of a fiddle, upright bass, two guitars, and drums. The band writes songs in a wholeheartedly collaborative effort, with each member trading off on vocal duties.

“These here Wormdogs have made something special. It’s no surprise, either. They don’t just make music - they build something. It has structure but it’s fluid, like a solid house with its doors and windows always open… What really makes them shine is the dedication and love for the idea itself, the act of welcoming in the language of music.” - Eric George

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